St Anne’s is the Church of England Parish Church in Soho, the square mile which is bordered by iconic names such as Oxford Street, Regent Street, Charing Cross Road and Shaftesbury Avenue. A place of prayer, peace and community in the West End, where all are welcome irrespective of colour, gender, age, sexuality or ability.
Our History
Designed by William Talman, clerk of works to Sir Christopher Wren, St Anne’s was consecrated in 1686, destroyed in 1940, rebuilt in 1990 and enhanced with an award winning re-designed entrance in 2016. For more about our history, CLICK HERE.
We Believe…
…in God’s love for the whole world, revealed supremely and uniquely in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. As a Christian Community we meet to offer worship to God, and to grow as disciples of Jesus. We seek to live in ways that enhance the lives of others in the community of the church, in Soho and in the wider world. Our inspiration comes from the Bible and the worship and tradition of the church to which we bring our varied experiences as individuals all diversely made in the image of God.
…that life is to be lived fully, and that (as St Irenaeus expressed it) the “glory of God is a human being fully alive”. That doesn’t mean being perfect, or being freed from the real difficulties or challenges of life, but to recognise that if God is present in the world, then there is no part of life which God’s presence doesn’t enhance or transform.
...that God, life and we are not monochrome.
So here at St Anne’s we can be authentically ourselves: people of different ages and intellects, of whatever sexuality, gender, ability or colour. To find out more visit our Worship page, CLICK HERE.

Fr Simon has been Rector of St Anne’s since 2013, though he had served here previously as an Assistant Priest. He has a background as a professional puppeteer, having worked with The Muppets and the original Spitting Image. He is a Priest Vicar of Westminster Abbey and Sub Area Dean of Westminster (St Margaret’s) Deanery. He is a Governor of Soho Parish School and sits on the boards of several charities and the Independent Advisory Group to the Metropolitan Police.

Martha is the curate of St. Anne’s, having started in July 2023. She is also Chaplain to the House of St. Barnabas in Soho. She was an RE teacher in her previous life and has taught in a range of high schools, mainly in West London. She has been involved in local parish churches, and was for some years part of a Missional Community on an estate in Acton. She is married to Rob, a gifted musician, and they have two young children, Josephine and Reuben.
